Two postdoctoral
positions are available immediately at University of
California, Los
Angeles for highly motivated individuals. Applicants are
expected to have an excellent
track record with strong expertise and experimental
background in at least one and
preferably multiple areas including chemical vapor
deposition, microfabrication,
nanodevice engineering, nanodevice physics, bioengineering
and nano-bio interface. One
of the positions will focus on nanodevice engineering and
characterization, and the other
will focus on the design and applications of nanostructures/nanodevices
in biological
The ideal candidate must show strongest enthusiasm in
research and is open-minded,
creative and energetic. Candidates with basic skills in
MOCVD, electron microscopy,
nanodevice fabrication, low-temperature electrical/optical
measurement, and cell culture
will be preferred. Those interested should contact Dr.
Xiangfeng Duan
with a single application PDF file containing a cover letter
describing research interests and goals, a C.V. with a
complete list of publications and
copies of up to three relevant papers, and names of at least
three references.
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