Pictures |
Chemistry Departmental Awards, May 2022 |
At the Chemistry Departmental Awards, May 2022: Joseph (Billy) Treacy (Christopher Foote Senior Fellowship Award winner), Ken Houk, and Aneta Turlik (Postdoctoral Research Award winner). |
At the Chemistry Departmental Awards, May 2022: Hung Pham (Hanson-Dow Award for Teaching winner; Houk group Ph.D., 2015), Aneta Turlik (Postdoctoral Research Award winner), and Ken Houk. |
American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 2021 |
At the American Chemical Society National Meeting in August 2021: Yi Tang (UCLA), Ken Houk, Paul Alivisatos (University of Chicago), Michelle Tran-Dube (Pfizer-La Jolla), and Ryan Shenvi (Scripps Research Institute). |
A toast during the American Chemical Society National Meeting in August 2021: Yi Tang (UCLA), Ken Houk, Ryan Shenvi (Scripps Research Institute), Huw Davies (Emory University), and Michelle Tran-Dube (Pfizer-La Jolla). |
At the American Chemical Society National Meeting in August 2021: Professor Houk accepts the 2021 ACS Roger Adams Award in Organic Chemistry. |
Summer Researchers, August 2017 |
Professor Al Courey and summer researcher in Professor Houk's labs, Norman Harris II. |
Norman Harris II discusses his poster. |
Summer student Volga Kocasoy (Bogazici University, Istanbul) and Professor Houk. |
Summer student Tony Zhang (Imperial College, London) and Professor Houk. |
Graduation, June 2017 |
Jessica Grandner (Thomas L. and Ruth F. Jacobs Award winner), Ken Houk, and Peiyuan Yu (Saul and Sylvia Winstein Award winner). |
Western Regional American Chemical Society Meeting, November 2015 |
A Symposium was held in honor of Professor Houk at the Western Regional American Chemical Society Meeting in San Marcos, CA, on November 7, 2015. The Symposium was organized by Dean Tantillo and featured former students, collaborators, and colleagues from the West Coast. From left to right: Daniel O'Leary (Chair, Chemistry, Pomona College), Noah Burns (Stanford), Sharon Neufeldt (UCLA), Ohyun Kwon (UCLA), Michael Bartberger (Amgen), Paul Cheong (Oregon State), Jason Hein (UBC), Ken Houk (UCLA), Chris Vanderwal (UCI), Dean Tantillo (UCD), Dan Little (UCSB), Vy Dong (UCI), Dennis Dougherty (Caltech), not shown: Justin Siegel (UCD). |
Professor Houk's 1000th paper, February 2015 |
Professor Houk celebrates the publication of his 1000th paper with his team of co-authors: Acia Liu, Lisa Tork, and Gonzalo Jimenez-Oses. |
Professor Houk and his 1000th paper team of co-authors: Acia Liu, Lisa Tork, and Gonzalo Jimenez-Oses. |
Professor Houk's 1000th paper has just been accepted. |
23rd Solvay Conference, 2013 |
23rd Solvay Conference, Brussels, Belgium. Professor Houk is second from the right, second row. |
Graduation, June 2010 |
Robin Garrell, Joann Um (Jacobs Award Winner), Peng Liu (Winstein Award Winner), and Ken Houk. |
National Academy of Sciences Election Reception, May 7, 2010 |
Photos courtesy of Penny Jennings Photography. For more photos
of this event, please see this page. |
Miscellaneous |
Houk Group after Tolman Banquet, May 1999. |
Ken Houk speaking at SynCon at USC, May 23, 2009. |
Second from right: Former Houk Group Graduate Student Patrick S.
Lee. View the television ad featuring Patrick here. |
Group Pictures from Previous Years |
August 2017 |
August 2016 |
May 2012 |
July 2011 |
October 2010 |
May 2010 |
June 2008 |
October 2006 |
June 2005 |
September 2003 |
July 2002 |
April 2001 |
April 1998 |
1991 |
Back row, left to right: Brett Beno, Yi Li, Kensuke
Nakamura, Jim Na; third row: ?, Laura Tomlinson, Kirsten Eurenius,
Javier Gonzalez, Vicky Aviyente, Hi-Young Yoo, Takashi Kasuga; second row:
Jennifer Radkiewicz, Beatriz de Pascual Teresa, Satomi Niwayama,
Derrick Benn, Joey Storer; front row: Paul, Ken Houk, Bert Thomas,
John Eksterowicz. |
Winstein Banquet, January 30, 2004 |