Guillaume Chanfreau

Professor of Biochemistry; BS, University of Lyon & Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon,
Ph.D. University of Paris VI; Habilitation, University of Paris XI; Human Frontier Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of California, San Francisco.

Guillaume Chanfreau

Systems Wide approaches to understand Gene Regulation

Specific and timely regulation of gene expression is essential to the processes of cell differentiation, development and is often perturbed during pathological processes. A precise regulation of gene expression requires the integrated coordination of transcription and post-transcriptional processes to ensure that genes are properly expressed in time and space. Our research group focuses on using systems-wide approaches to understand how transcription and post-transcriptional processes are integrated to tightly control the expression of eukaryotic genes. By analyzing gene expression using a combination of original genome-wide approaches, we have discovered novel pathways that ensure the quality control of gene expression and  uncovered how RNA degradation eliminate aberrant RNA species that are generated by errors made by the gene expression machinery.