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Setup Your Environment

Questions: Things to know beforehand:

First, log on to the computer where the program is installed (for me it's on alpha). Find out which shell you are running:

alpha:~> echo $shell

If the return path doesn't end with csh or tcsh, like the above example, then start one of those shells.

Next, set the PAWDIR environment variable to point to the right place. The 'right place' should be the parent directory containing the following directories:

DX/ IBM Data Explorer files
F90PP/ F90 Preprocessor used while compiling
Manual/ User's Manual in postscript format
Objects/ Objects used while compiling
Parameters/ Some parameter files
Sample/ Some sample input files
Source/ Source code used while compiling
Tools/ Analysis tools
X/ PAW program executables

For me, the 'right place' is /u/data39/iekxeaa/PAW, but substitute for the correct directory on your system in the following command:

alpha:~> setenv PAWDIR /u/data39/iekxeaa/PAW

After that, make sure these directories are in your path:

alpha:~> set path = ( $path $PAWDIR $PAWDIR/X )

If you want to use the IBM DataExplorer later on, you should also set:

alpha:~> setenv DXMACROS $PAWDIR/DX
alpha:~> setenv DXINCLUDE $PAWDIR/DX

Making life easier: You can have this done automatically when you start the shell by placing all the above commands in your $HOME/.cshrc (or $HOME/.tcshrc) file with any text editor. Otherwise you would have to redo all of this manually each time you log in.

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Wun Chiou