Biochem 153A: Week 6 Discussion
Enzymes: classes and mechanisms
I. Reading, writing and arithmetic
ex. What is the function of triacylglycerol in animals? What advantage does is offer over other molecules serving a
similar function? [< 80 words]
Give yourself five minutes to come up with a complete description, and then formulate your answer so that it
convinces the reader of your answer, hopefully in two succinctly-worded paragraphs (one for each question).
ex. Convert 1/156 to decimal form
II. G-Chem definitions and O-Chem review
"general acid/base catalysis"
Nucleophiles and nucleophilic addition
Movement of electrons
III. Classes of enzymes
Isomerase - isomerization; "__________mutase" or "____________isomerase"
Transferase - a functional group is transferred; "_________transferase" or "___________kinase"
Ligase - breakage/formation of a bond, requiring ATP
Hydrolase - breakage/formation of a single bond, requiring H2O
Lyase - breakage/formation of a double bond; "________synthase"
Oxido-Reductase - redox reaction; "_______dehydrogenase"
IV. Catalytic mechanisms employed by enzymes
Metal ion catalysis -- metalloenzymes and metal-activated enzymes
Electrostatic catalysis - any favorable charge-charge interactions
Proximity and orientation effects - any other favorable noncovalent interactions
Preferential binding of the transition state complex - very common
Covalent catalysis - a new bond is formed, usually involving some Nu addition
Acid-Base catalysis - proton transfer
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