Biochem 153A: Week 4 Discussion
I. Take Quiz
Objectives: Be able to draw Fischer and Haworth projection structures for glucose; Know the epimers mannose and galactose
(fructose, too); Understand carbohydrate enantiomers, anomers, and glycosidic linkages.
1. The sugar family is a bunch of carbohydrates that exist as enantiomers.
All biological sugars are : D or L ?
What do you suppose would happen if you ingested L-glucose?
2. Drawing glucose:
straight chain, Fischer projection, then "lying down" (hypothetical), now a pyranose ring, Haworth projection
3. Epimers of Glucose
Mannose is a ____ epimer of glucose.
Fischer projection, Haworth projection
Galactose is a ____ epimer of glucose.
Fischer projection, Haworth projection
Fructose looks a lot like glucose. However, it is not an epimer of glucose.
Fischer projection, Haworth projection
4. Glycosidic linkages: Find the anomeric carbon--look for 2 oxygens. Decide if it is in acetal or hemiacetal form.
The "oside" ending means that the anomeric carbon is an _____________.
The "ose" ending means that the anomeric carbon is a _____________.
ex. 4-Methyl-beta-D-mannopyranose ex. O-Methyl-beta-D-mannopyranoside
Objectives: Know the compositions and linkages for maltose, cellobiose, lactose, and sucrose; Be able to name any linkage;
Understand directionality from NRE to RE; Recognize glycosidic linkages
1. Drawing a dissacharide:
ex. Maltose
Circle the glycosidic bond
2. Naming linkages: Directionality from NRE (non-reducing end) to RE (reducing end)
Why is the "reducing end" named as such? How can it be recognized?
3. Dissacharide:its monosaccharide composition, glycosidic linkage, cartoon structure
Objectives: Know the compositions and linkages for cellulose, amylose, glycogen, hyaluronic acid; Understand the
implications of alpha vs beta linkages in the structure-function relationship.
1. alpha -linkages in polysaccharides usually result in an overall structure that is _____________.
Thus, alpha -linked polysaccharides are ideal for a ______________ function.
beta-linkages in polysaccharides usually result in an overall structure that is ______________.
Thus, beta -linked polysaccharides are ideal for a _______________ function.
2. polysaccharide: its monosaccharide composition, linkages, any branching?, overall structure, biol. function
hyaluronic acid
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