Biochem 153A: Week 3 Discussion
I. Business
Quizzes will be returned (temporarily) at the end of discussion today
Answers to handout questions will be posted the following week
II. Protein Structure
Objectives: Understand principle of spontaneous assembly. Know what interactions maintain each order of structure
Spontaneous assembly
Depictions: Ribbon and space-filled models of actin
Classes: Fibrous or globular ex. actin with myosin
III. Sequence Analysis
Objectives: Be able to make secondary structure predictions. Know how to use a helix wheel.
Analyzing amino acid sequences
1) Note sidechain personalities
2) Look for beta-bends. Pro, gly/ala, favorable interactions
3) Look for alpha-helices. No helix breakers, at least 20 aa
4) Look for patterns. Helix wheel may help
1) Which secondary structures can be predicted from the primary sequence?
2) Add another strand to the beta-stands below, in correct configuration:
Antiparallel Parallel
3) In a beta-pleated sheet, how are the sidechains oriented in three-dimensional space?
4) Which is stronger, an antiparallel or parallel beta-sheet? Why?
5) Which is stronger, a beta-sheet (from #4) or an alpha-helix? Why?
6) From problems book Peptides and Proteins #14:
Would each of the following polypeptides be more likely to form an alpha-helix or a beta-pleated sheet in an aqueous
environment at physiological pH?
IV. Primary Structure Determination
Objectives: Be able to tackle these types of problems effortlessly and correctly!
Steps in primary structure determination:
1) Acid hydrolysis to get aa composition and length of peptide. Set spaces.
2) N-terminus (Sangers, Dansyl chloride, Edman) and C-terminus identification (reduction, hydrazinolysis,
carboxypeptidases A, D, C, Y)
3) Endopeptidases and chemical reagents are your arsenal for sequencing
C-terminal proteases cut after a specific aa---trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, endo V8
N-terminal proteases cut before a specifc aa---themolysin, pepsin
And CnBr (like a C-terminal protease)
4) Map with overlapping fragments
Acid hydrolysis resulted in the following aa composition:
Ala, arg, glu, gly, leu, lys2, phe, trp, val
Treatment with Carboxypeptidase A yielded lys as the predominant species
One cycle of Edman degradation yielded a PTH-glu derivative
Enzymatic digestion with chymotrypsin yielded 3 fragments of the following aa compositions:
glu, phe
ala, arg, leu, lys, trp, val
gly, lys
Enzymatic digestion with trypsin yielded 3 fragments of the following aa compositions:
glu, lys, phe, val
ala, arg, leu
gly, lys, trp
Using these experimental observations, indicate possible sequence(s) of this peptide.
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