UCLA CHEM 153A: Biochemistry

Introduction to Structure, Enzymes, and Metabolism

Spring 2011

Course Info and Policies





  • (Jun 5) Final Exam room assignments: A-F in CS 24, G-Ph in CS 50, Po-Z in CS 76
  • (Jun 1) This crib sheet (help sheet) will be provided for you with the final exam. Please note that it only includes equations and information covered on the first two exams; you will be expected to know equations and structures relevant to this last part of the course.
  • (May 27) Final Exam review session (led by Megan & Dan): Thursday, May 27, 5-7pm, CS 50.
  • (May 11) Exam 2 review session slides: ppt - pdf
  • (May 10) Exam 2 room assignments are same as for Exam 1 (see below)
  • (Apr 20) Exam 1 room assignments (by last name): A-D in CS 76, E-K in Franz 1178, L-Sa in CS 50, Sc-Z in Math Sci 4000A
  • (Apr 18) Exam 1 review session (led by Nicole & Mark): Tuesday, April 19, 5-6:50pm, CS 24. pdf slides - ppt slides
  • (Apr 18) Here are instructions for the exam.
  • (Apr 6) Schedule of office hours:
    Mon: 8am, Young 5076 (Dan); 4pm, Boyer 621 (Reza)
    Tues: 9am, Young 6096 (alternating TAs); 12pm, Geology 3613 (Dr. Nelson); 2pm, Geology 3613 (Dr. Nelson)
    Wed: 2pm, Geology 3613 (Dr. Nelson)
    Thurs: 11am, Mol Sci 3114 (Sara); 1pm, Boyer 644 (Megan); 3pm, Boyer 269 (Nicole); 4pm, Mol Sci 3114 (Mark)
    Fri: 12pm, Geology 3613 (Dr. Nelson)
  • (Mar 24) Discussion sections WILL meet during 1st week
  • (Mar 24) Please set your email spam filters to allow messages from 'rebecca@chem.ucla.edu' - you will receive class emails from this address