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sketches, etc

As mentioned in the arts homepage (section home), most of the animations shown here are assignments done for the different graphics designs class I took at UCLA. Since time is usually the most constraining factor, most of these animation/interactive media files aren't optimized for the web. I would recommend downloading them first before viewing if you have a slow internet connection.

Note that these files also require Macromedia Flash and/or Shockwave in order to run properly. Please let me know if there are any problems in downloading or viewing them. Thanks and enjoy!

File Size: 16K

This is a simple interactive game that I put together for the Interactive Media Design class. It's pretty straight forward, just type to play. It only has one level though, so when you are done, it just keeps looping back. But then, it's only 16K, so what can you expect? =þ

Sand Scriber
File Size: 1008K

This is one of my favorites. I created it for a design class as well. It lets you paint/draw/scribe onto the screen as if you are trying to pile sand up. This was written up using the basic particle diposition algorithm. Try the different sand particle sizes to the left. Will run pretty slow on a Pentium II or below processor though.
Movie Score 2000
File Size: 1.3M

The very first flash animation I've ever made.
It actually contains the prototype of an entire site in one file, that's why it is so huge. It was done in a group project.