Chemsitry 14CL

Chemistry 14CL is the second of two laboratory courses designed specifically for the Life Science majors. Students in the chemistry 14 series sequence are usually planning to enter the medical science fields upon graduation.

The design of the course is therefore tailored to teach students the laboratory skills that are necessary to be successful in the life science fields and the medical science fields. In addition to teaching students the proper laboratory techniques, conceptual understandings of the chemistry behind the experiments are evaluated through writen reports, midterm exam or quizzes as well as a final exam. Click here for course syllabus and lab schedule.

The department generally offers Chemistry 14CL four times (Fall, Winter, Spring quarter and Summer Session) during the academic year. Note: Tentative course schedules SHOULD NOT be used as a definite guide to plan your future class schedules.

The course teaches students the following laboratory techniques (Technique Videos require ™. Some files may require Adobe Acrobat ):

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Standardization Techniques (including preparation of primary standard)

Polyprotic acid analysis

Simple organic syntheses

Spectroscopic analysis (Infrared, UV-Vis, Mass Spectroscopy)

Chromatography techniques

(Gas Chromatography, Thin-Layer Chromatography &

Column Chromatography)





Melting point determinations

Metal-complex syntheses

REDOX chemistry

Molecular Modeling

Infrared Spectroscopy Simulation

NMR Spectroscopy Simulation

Various Experimental Set Up

Use of EXCEL to analyze scientific data


Laboratory Facilities

Virtual Office Hours

Useful Resources for the Course