last updated
Attendance in lab during week 10 is mandatory
1. Desk cleanup: return all extra glassware and properly dispose of the products (in a properly labeled vial in the appropriate waste bag)
2. Lab cleanup: perform lab cleanup as directed by your TA and lab support personnel. Since the student will handle chemicals, the proper dresscode will be required. No exceptions!
3. Web spectra
Go to the Science learning center to do the NMR problems. Go to and do the following problems
Beginner: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 27, 29
Intermediate I: 2, 3, 15
Intermediate II: 12 and 13
4. YOU MADE IT ...... and now to a completely different topic (to say it with Monty Python) ...... Chemical animations.
Recommended: 55-Gallon Drum collapse (The power of very little!)
Hints for the exam:
1. Be prepared for the exam. It might be helpful to look at the old exams in the exam reader, and try to solve (which does not equal memorize) them on your own. If you have questions, please contact your TA or instructor asap. As you will notice, the exams are relatively long, not everybody will be able to finish them. Make sure that you give short answers and don't write long essays. Quality over quantity!!!
2. There will be no tables provided for infrared and NMR spectroscopy, which means that you will have to memorize some basic numbers. A periodic table will not be provided either because there is one in the room. You are expected to know the atomic masses or carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, etc.
3. The exam will take place on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 from 8:00 am -11:00 am in CS 24. You will only be allowed to use a pen or pencil (blue or black only!), a ruler and a non-graphing calculator during the exam. It is your responsibility to bring these items with you to the exam. You cannot share these items with your neighbor.
4. DON'T FORGET TO TURN IN YOUR LAB NOTEBOOK IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE EXAM! All spectra should be taped or stapled inside at the end of each experiment. The table of content should also be placed on the first two pages of the notebook. In addition, it is mandatory to place a sticker with your name in the upper right hand corner of the front cover. This will speed up the pickup of the notebook later on. If you have two notebooks, tie them together with a rubber band. Don't rip the last postlab report (Grignard reaction) out if you turn it in together with your notebook. The notebook can be picked up after the final grades were assigned during the summer and the fall quarter after which they will be disposed off.
5. The instructor will offer the regular office hour on Monday, March 17, 2014 from 10-11 am and 3-4 pm and Tuesday, March 18, 2014 (10-11 am).
The review for the final exam will take place in Lecture on Monday, March 10, 2014 (Part 1) and on Monday, March 10, 2014 from 5-5:50 pm (CS 24, Part 2).