last updated Tue, Sep 18, 2001


Introduction to Searching Chemical Literature with Scifinder 2000

You can work in pairs on this project. However, try to go through the work sheet together with your partner and not with the entire section. It will be for your own benefit if you learn yourself how to locate relevant literature for a project. You will have to find references for your ‘multi-step synthesis’ report (week 4-6)!

Start Scifinder 2000 by double clicking the
Scifinder icon on the desktop. Acknowledge the license agreement. Then choose the first option (Chemical Substance or Reaction) on the next screen. You will use the chemical structure database first. Draw the 1,2,3,4-tetraphenylnaphthalene molecule using the graphic interface. Include all hydrogen atoms on the rings. Then choose Preview and then Get Substances.

How many compounds of relevance did the system find?

Pick the compound of interest by checking the box in the upper right hand corner. Then choose Get References. Choose Preparation, Properties and Spectral data.

How many references did the system find now? How many of them are really relevant to you?

What is the CAS number of your compound?

Which article(s) describe the preparation of the compound?

What are the full names of the journals?

Which of these journals are available in the chemistry library? What are their call numbers?

Which of the articles is available online?

Pick one of them and print out the first page of the article.

Go back to the Explore by Chemical Substance Screen. Choose Substance Identifier. Type in the CAS number that you got above (including the dashes).

How many references did you find?

Where can you purchase the compound?

Can you locate any IR,
1H-NMR or 13C-NMR data? If not, which sources would you consult to find this data?

What is the crystal structure of the compound?

Which other structural isomers of tetraphenylnaphthalene are known in the literature?

Important note: You can download and run the program on your own computer if you dial in via Bruin Online.