last updated Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Problemset  Meeting 11 


1. Quiz 5

Quiz 5 will be administered on Tuesday, February 9, 2015 at 11 am. It will cover the entire lidocaine project.

2. Post-lab report for lidocaine project

a. The postlab report for the lidocaine project has to be written in the lab notebook and submitted to the teaching assistant. The due dates are February 11, 2016 or February 12, 2016 in your regular lab section. The report has to be written in the lab notebook and is worth 15 points.

3. Research project (Week 9)

a. Please look start looking for a partner for the Ferrocene project. Your partner should be in a different time slot than yourself i.e., if you are in the T/R afternoon section, try to find somebody in the W/F afternoon section. This way nobody has to put in additional time outside their regular schedule, which means that each group has four lab meetings to complete the project. We have to avoid as much as possible to have the entire class running around in the lab (Safety!). Note, since we have an odd number of students in the class, one student will work alone.

...and now back to the chemistry part of this course....the homework questions due on 2/9/2016 or 2/10/2016

1. Referring to the Suzuki coupling, answer the following questions. Show balanced chemical equations when appropriate.

a. This quarter, some of the students will use 4-bromophenol, other will use 4-iodophenol as phenol. Where do you see the advantage and disadvantage using either one?

b. What are the functions of potassium carbonate?

c. What is used as catalyst in this reaction? What are the advantage and disadvantage using this catalyst?

d. After the reflux, hydrochloric acid is added to the reaction mixture. Which observations should the student make?

e. Which solvent is used for the recrystallization? Rationalize the choice.

f. How many signals does the compound display in the 13C{1H}-NMR spectrum?