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ATTN: Answers to the below questions are due at the start of your lab period; these answers should be part of your pre-lab write-up.
1. Referring to the synthesis and characterization of the Jacobsen catalyst, answer the following questions.
a. Why does the color already change in some cases before an air stream is introduced to the mixture?
b. Why is a slow air stream passed through the reaction mixture?
c. Which color does Mn(OAc)2 have? Which color does the catalyst have?
d. Why is heptane added to the solution during the work-up? Could hexane be used instead?
e. The Infrared spectrum of the catalyst shows one peak at ~540 cm-1 and one at ~560 cm-1. Explain briefly.
2. a. Why are transition metals like iron and manganese used in many catalytic reactions that involve redox reactions?
b. Why are metal complexes used instead of the metal alone?
c. What is the key intermediate in the oxidation of RH functions using cytochrome P450?