last updated Wed, Jan 12, 2005

ATTN: answers to the below questions are due at the start of your second lab period; these answers should be part of your pre-lab write-up.

1. Referring to the resolution (step 1), answer the following questions.

a. Why is L-(+)-tartaric acid use in this step?

b. Why should the amine be added slowly in this reaction?

c. What is the theoretical yield (in g) for the ammonium salt that you are planning to isolate? Show calculations.

d. What is the specific optical rotation for the ammonium salt isolated in the lab?

e. Which solvent should be used to determine the optical rotation?

f. Where is the polarimeter located?

2. Student X has isolated (R)-carvone from a natural source.

a. Which source could he have been using?

b. He observed an optical rotation of a= -4.12o for a 3.50% solution in a 20.00 cm cell. Determine the optical purity of the sample.