last updated Wednesday, January 21, 2015


This exercise is meant to make you more familar with programs that can be used to prepare the formal report. You do not have to turn in anything in the end, but it might be useful to save the work.


1. Draw the following structures and equations in Chemdraw (ChemBioOffice 2014, ChemBioDraw Ultra 14.0). Whenever possible use the templates available already to save yourself some work i.e., drawing stereocenters, benzene rings, etc. Make sure that the molecules look the same on your screen. What is the product of the third reaction?

What is the final product of the second reaction?

Once you are done drawing the three equations transfer them to a word document. Rescale and center them on the page.

2. Type the following text in Word.

"Since the reaction is very slow even if a catalyst is present, the reaction mixture has to be heated in order to obtain a reasonable yield within the time frame allotted. According to the Arrhenius equation, the rate of reaction roughly doubles with each 10 °C increase in temperature!

However, both the forward and reverse reactions are affected, so Keq is not changed. Only the rate at which the equilibrium is reached is dramatically increased. In the experiment, the temperature is raised by 40-80 oC (depending which alchol is used) by refluxing it, which increases the rate of reaction by a factor of ~16-256. Even under those conditions, the reaction mixture should be refluxed for at least 60-90 minutes."

3. Using the ACD-Spectra simulation software (ACD 2014), simulate the 1H-NMR spectrum and the 13C-NMR spectrum for the a-methylstyrene oxide and its rearrangement products. Can this data serve as literature data?