Pre-lab questions (due together with the rest of the prelab by Friday, January 31, 2014 at 4:30 pm in the instructor's office) :

1. What is used as reaction vessel in this reaction?

2. Why is it important to heat the mixture of benzophenone, acetic acid and isopropanol?

3. Why is the hot solution immediately transferred into the reaction vessel which is sealed immediately afterwards?

4. Why is it important that the benzophenone remains in solution?

5. How can the student determine if the product contains only benzopinacol or a mixture? Suggest three methods.

6. What does the student have to submit to the instructor at the end of the project? Where does he turn these items in?


1. As part of the prelab the student has to include a proper infrared spectrum whiich has pertinent peaks labeled.

2. The experiment will be started during the week 5 (February 4-February 7 during the student's regular meeting. If the weather permits, the reaction vessel will be returned during the following meeting.

3. The formal report will be due on February 14, 2014 at 4:30 pm in YH 3077E as hardcopy and by 10:00 pm on the same day on