This quarter, the students will perform Extra Credit Project 2 (Microwave Synthesis of Phenytoin). The prelab questions below refer to this project: The pre-lab questions (due together with the rest of the prelab by Friday,
January 30, 2015 at 4:30 pm in the instructor's office) :
1. Why is it crucial for the success of the reaction that the reactants are ground together properly?
2. Why is it important to use a small beaker (25 mL) for the reaction?
3. Which precautions does the student have to take during the reaction in the microwave and right afterwards?
4. Upon cooling to room temperature, the reaction mixture is broken up and treated with 95 % ethanol. Which purpose does this serve? Which portion is the student interested in here?
5. Hydrochloric acid is added to the filtrate obtained in 4.. Which purpose does this serve?
6. The student submits a sample for GC/MS analysis. How is the sample prepared?
7. The observed melting point for phenytoin is almost 300 oC. Rationalize this observation.
1. As part of the prelab the student has to include a proper infrared spectrum and mass spectrum which has pertinent peaks labeled.
2. The experiment will be carried out during the week of February 10, 2015 through February 13, 2015 during the student's regular meeting.
3. The formal report will be due by March 2, 2015 at 4:30 pm in YH 3077E as hardcopy and by 5:00 pm on the same day on (Course ID: 9029477, Password: Chem30BL).