Xenon Server Usage
This server went into operation in October, 1993. Access Statistics
for the period since February, 1997 are provided below. For
statistics prior to this period contact mik@chem.ucla.edu
Week of Sun Aug 10 00:00:00 1997
- Total accesses: 43045
- Total index accesses: 673
- Distribution by Domain:
- Accesses by top 10 domains:
- ?: 18969
- edu: 11029
- com: 5358
- net: 2396
- Eur: 2139
- Asi: 1199
- NoA: 742
- gov: 410
- Aus: 381
- mil: 94
- 10 sites accessing server most:
- 7285
- 4822
- 498
- crawl4.atext.com 359
- har-tx2-13.ix.netcom.com 307
- 237
- 148
- neon.chem.ucla.edu 141
- fermi.chem.ucla.edu 140
- 137
- 10 items accessed most:
- /chempointers.html 4283
- /uclavoh/dist 2081
- /dept/gifs/DLogo.gif 2066
- /dept/Chemistry.html 1914
- /uclavoh 829
- /VL/Academic.html 649
- /dept/gifs/blueball.gif 629
- /dept/gifs/redball.gif 604
- /dept 574
- / 550
Statistics generated by
wusage. Copyright
1994 by Cold Spring Harbor Labs.