Xenon Server Usage
This server went into operation in October, 1993. Access Statistics
for the period since February, 1997 are provided below. For
statistics prior to this period contact mik@chem.ucla.edu
Week of Sun Jun 8 00:00:00 1997
- Total accesses: 104403
- Total index accesses: 1389
- Distribution by Domain:
- Accesses by top 10 domains:
- edu: 69956
- ?: 16505
- com: 6212
- org: 4722
- net: 2422
- Eur: 2139
- Asi: 892
- NoA: 517
- Aus: 350
- gov: 349
- 10 sites accessing server most:
- firestone.archive.org 4665
- 1104
- crawl4.atext.com 821
- scooter.pa-x.dec.com 663
- 618
- host-a443ea73.library.ucla.edu 559
- 491
- 446
- c3_mac5.chem.ucla.edu 443
- sunset31.resnet.ucla.edu 436
- 10 items accessed most:
- /chempointers.html 4362
- /uclavoh/images/top-icon.gif 3228
- /uclavoh/images/voh-back.gif 2941
- /uclavoh/images/back-icon.gif 2868
- /uclavoh 2761
- /uclavoh/images/home-icon.gif 2575
- /uclavoh/images/voh-icon.gif 2504
- /uclavoh/images/bluepaw.gif 2473
- /uclavoh/images/organic.gif 2447
- /uclavoh/images/physical.gif 2445
Statistics generated by
wusage. Copyright
1994 by Cold Spring Harbor Labs.