Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Staff:
Key Contributors to Research and Teaching

Our staff play an essential role at every level in the department's programs of teaching and research. While we recognize the achievements of all of the staff, there are many who have had long careers. They are listed below with the years that they have worked and their photographs (when available). We thank them for their important contributions and service.

Non-ladder Faculty

Margy Bates
07/01/94 to 06/28/07
Sandra Lamb
07/01/92 to 12/01/94??
Betty Luceigh
09/09/89 to 06/30/04
Steve Hardinger
07/01/97 to 06/28/18

Business Office

Shirley Benjamin
7/1/48 to 9/30/91

Dorothy Berazen
12/14/70 to 5/2/96

Anita Geringer
8/21/67 to 4/19/91

Marilyn Hankey
9/10/51 to 10/3/80

Kyra Marsh
5/16/88 to 12/15/17

Estelle Rocha
10/5/84 to 8/31/09

Shops, Storerooms, Labs

Ray Carew
8/24/66 to 10/31/92

Ed Chaney
10/7/63 to 4/30/02

Keith Decker
9/23/63 to 10/31/87

Mike Duffy
2/8/85 to 6/30/89

Dick Gillespie
10/13/82 to 12/31/93

Jim Grissom
4/17/51 to 6/30/76

Tom Pulfer
9/16/69 to 6/27/03

Keith Stabe
8/4/03 to 11/30/14??

Jane Strouse
5/1/79 to 6/29/16

Student Advising

Phyllis Jergenson
'64 to 5/13/08

Dorothy Seymour
8/7/67 to 11/01/93


Larry Levine
2/17/68 to 11/15/92

Arlette Silva
12/31/82 to 6/29/13


Marion Peters
12/1/76 to 7/1/10

Lab Manager

Ron Baron
7/1/92 to 8/31/08??

Barry Hoelscher
7/15/61 to 9/30/91

Chair's Office

Mandy Bell
7/1/93 to 8/31/15

Sarah Bouwer
1/24/75 to 9/30/91

Ellen Dunlevy
1/15/51 to 3/1/84


June Hendrix
2/22/77 to 1/1/89

Teddy Nikos
3/9/98 to 4/8/98??


Gloria Turner
5/15/78 to 6/29/09

Edie Gralla
3/1/82 to 9/1/17??

Roger Helgeson
9/1/74 to 9/1/17

Leland Yeager
1/1/75 to 6/30/75??