Professor Emily Carter hoods Vincent Cocula |
Professor Emil Reiser
hoods Glenna Sowa
Professor James Bowie
hooding Marisa Baron
Lamei Chen hooded by Professor Christopher Lee
Professor Miguel Garcia-Garibay hoods Christopher
Professor Fraser Stoddart hoods Sourav Saha

Eduardo Falcao being hooded by Professor M. Fred Hawthorne
Professor Yves Rubin has just hooded Shih-Ching Chuang

Professor Delroy Baugh is hooding Jefferson Rose

After the hooding, Jefferson Rose and Prof. Baugh share a

A view from behind
Return to Commencement
on to Presenting of the Bachelor of Science Degrees
2005 Ph.D.s and Their Thesis Titles
Anderson (Hawthorne) "Metathesis Routes to Binary
and Ternary Silicon Nitrides"
Melissa Baron (Bowie) "Underlying Architecture of
the Post-Synaptic Density"
La-Mei Chen (Lee) "Global Analysis of Drug Resistance
and Viral Fitness Mutations and Their Evolutionary Dynamics in
HIV-1 from 50,000 HIV Positive Patient Samples"
Ryan Chiechi (Garcia-Garibay) "The Design and Synthesis
of Electroactive and Luminescent Materials For Device Applications"
Shih-Ching Chuang (Rubin) "Nano Surgery of C60"
Vincent Cocula (Carter) "Spin Dependent Pseudopotential
Density Functional Theory"
Brian Duclos (Jung) "Synthetic Approaches to Pentacyclic
Triterpenes Leading to Diastereoselective Carroll Rearrangements
And Progress Toward the Total Synthesis of Betulinic Acid"
Eduardo Falcao (Wudl) "Carbonaceous Materials with
Exotic Morphologies"
Mark Fleissner (Hubbell) "X-ray Structures of Nitroxide
Side Chains in Proteins: A Basis for Interpreting Distance Measurements
and Dynamic Studies by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance"
Robin Hayes (Carter) "First-Principles-Based Multiscale
Modeling of Crystalline Materials Failure"
Edward Hsieh (Clarke, C.) "Characterization of the
yeast gene Abc1/Coq8 and its Role in Coenzyme Q biosynthesis"
David Hwang (Koehler) "Biogenesis of the mitochondrial
inner membrane in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
De-En Jiang (Carter) "Chemistry of Iron Surfaces
and Interfaces from First Principles"
Robert Jost (Garrell) "Synthesis of Monodisperse
Amphiphilic Block Copolymers"
Seogshin Kang (Stoddart) "Molecular Switches for
Nanoscale Devices"
Taiho Kim (Felker) "Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy
of Free Radicals"
Albert Lee (Chanfreau) "Post-Transcriptional Regulations
During Iron Homeostasis in Yeast"
Jeremy McCallum (Foote) "Photosensitized Oxidation
of 8-Oxo-7,8-Dihydroguanine Derivatives and Investigation into
Singlet Oxygen Production from the Irradiation of Antibodies"
Sun-Jun Min (Jung) "Studies on Intramolecular Diels-Alder
Reactions of Furan and Progress toward Total Synthesis of Arisugacins
and Territrems"
Christopher Mortko (Garcia-Garibay) "Photodecarbonylation
of Crystalline Beta,Gamma-Unsaturated Ketones and its Application
to Preparative Scale Synthesis of Specialty Chemicals and Natural
Rebecca Nelson (Eisenberg) "Structure and Properties
of Yeast Prion Peptides"
Aaron Novack (Jung) "Novel [2+2] to [4+2] of Rearrangement
of Cyclobutanes"
Amit Oberai (Bowie) "Estimating The Diversity of
the Membrane Proteome"
Julie Orf (Hawthorne) "Synthesis and Characterization
of Novel Camouflaged Closomers"
Feng Qiao (Bowie) "Structural and Functional studies
on the Regulation of Yan and Pointed-P2 by Mae"
Christopher Rabbat (Merlic) "Synthetic Approaches
for the Total Synthesis of Tubelactomicin A, Direct Functionalization
of Tetrahydrofuran and Other Ethers with Trimethylsilylketene,
and Synthesis and Reactions of (Phenyltricarbonylchromium)diazomethane"
Jefferson Rose (Baugh) "Nanosystems Via Self-Assembly:
Size Distribution Control, Spatial Positioning and Wiring of
Ge Dots on Si (111)"
Sourav Saha (Stoddart) "A Light-Harvesting Nanoscale
Power Supply for Supramolecular and Molecular Machinery"
Jeffrey Selander (Merlic) "Preparation and Cyclization
of Dienyl Chromium Carbene Complexes & Selectivity in Palladium
Catalyzed Cross Coupling Reactions"
Christopher Smallwood (Schwartz) "Development and
Application of Pseudopotential Theory in Non-Adiabatic Simulations
of Charge-Transfer-to-Solvent Reactions"
Se Hui Sohn (Valentine, Garrell) "Biophysical studies
of wild type and mutant copper-zinc superoxide dismutase"
Glenna Sowa (Reislker/Liiu) "Phase Behavior of F-actin"
Christopher Suhrada (Houk) "Theoretical Insights
on Product Selectivity in Diradical-Mediated Thermal Rearrangements"
Robert Tinder (Jung) "The Design and Synthesis of
Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Antagonists"
Scott Vignon (Stoddart) "Exploring Dynamics and Stereochemistry
in Mechanically Interlocked Compounds"
Shabnam Virji (Kaner,Garrell) "Polyaniline Nanofiber