1. How do I dispose of Organic solvents?
2. How do I dispose of hazardous waste other than organic solvents?
3. Where can I find MSDS sheets?
4. Are safety glasses or goggles required in the lab?
5. What kind of gloves offer the best protection while working with chemicals?
6. How should I clean up a chemical spill?
7. Who should I call for problems concerning ventilation, temperature, housekeeping, repairs?
8. What procedures should I follow in case of an accident or injury?
9. How can I obtain a respirator?
10. How can I update the sign on the laboratory door?
11. Are there any Safety videos available for viewing?
1.How do I dispose
of Organic solvents?
Common organic
solvents should be collected in special 5 gallon safety cans. The
red, wide-mouth Polyethylene cans can be purchased from laboratory
supply companies.
Small amounts
of organic solvents can be stored in gallon sized glass bottles
and disposed of as hazardous waste if a Safety can is not available.
Guidelines for
the Chemical Waste Solvent Pickup - Department of Chemistry and
1. Organic solvents
are accepted for disposal by the Office of Environment, Health and
Safety (EH&S) at the Molecular Sciences loading dock on Tuesdays
and Fridays from 9:00 to 9:25 a.m. You must be present to pass your
container to the technicians.
2. A completed
Hazardous Substance Manifest form or Hazardous Waste ID
Tag is required for each container of waste. Forms are available
from EH&S personnel during the pickup or from the Chemical Safety
3. The emptied
container will be returned to the Emergency Equipment Cage near
the Receiving dock by 1:00 p.m. of the same day. The D340 graduate
sub-master key will open the cage.
1. ONLY organic
solvent wastes will be accepted.
2. DO NOT add
to solvent containers any of the following: Oxidizers, Corrosives
(acids and bases), Inorganics, Water Reactives, Sulfur-containing
solvents, amines, or greater than 20% water.
and NON-HALOGENATED solvents have to be segregated into separate,
labeled containers.
4. DO NOT overfill
the 5-gallon solvent containers beyond the 20 liter (5 gallon) mark.
5. Maintain
a completed , up-to-date, waste manifest form with the waste container
while in the lab. Don't try to fill out the manifest form after
the container is filled. It is a violation of state waste handling
regulations to store any hazardous wastes without the materials
being properly labeled and dated on the manifest form.
6. The red 5-gallon
waste solvent containers require an intact, non-clogged, flame arrestor
screen. These are sold in the Research Equipment Storeroom, Young
Hall 3056.
How do I dispose of hazardous waste other than organic solvents?
Hazardous Waste
is collected at Room 2104, Molecular Sciences. Please call the Chemical
Safety Office at X6-3661 to make an appointment to bring the chemicals
to the laboratory.
Guidelines for
handling hazardous waste other than organic solvent waste:
1. Hazardous
Waste must be collected and stored in the same or adjacent room
to where it is generated before it is transported to the Chemistry
Hazardous Waste facility. At the present time, Molecular Sciences,
Room 2104 is the first area of the Chemistry Hazardous Waste Facility.
2. Waste containers
must be controlled by the designated person(s) who must know and
control all waste going into the collection container. The person(s)
must also sign the Hazardous Waste Identification Tag or Manifest.
Each research group should assign a responsible person or persons
for this duty.
3. All containers
used for the storage or transport of chemicals must be suitable
for that type of chemical. The containers must be tightly closed
and in good condition, without leakage, rusting, or other defects.
4. All waste
containers must be labeled using the "Hazardous Waste Identification
Tag" or the "Hazardous Waste Manifest". These can be obtained at
the Chemical Safety Office (Young Hall 4204), and from the EH&S
5. Environment
Health and Safety (EH&S) has only 90 days to ship waste off
campus. Since the 90 days begins at the first day of collection
in some cases, it is important to remove full or partially full
waste containers from the laboratory to Mol Sci 2104 frequently.
6. Hazardous
Waste Identification Tag and Hazardous Waste Manifest
Either a Hazardous
Waste Identification Tag or Hazardous Waste Manifest (identical
except for size) must be filled out for each bottle, jar or container
of hazardous waste. The Tag or Manifest should be secured to the
container at the beginning of collection and a running record of
contents should be listed. Where this is not convenient, the Manifest
should be under or next to the container, and a running total kept.
Hazardous Waste tags and Manifests should be labeled using the following
1. List the
first date on which any waste was placed in the container.
2. List the
Department (Chemistry and Biochemistry).
3. List the
Principal Investigator
4. The Contact
Person is the person responsible for the collection of the waste.
5. Lab / Facility
location is the Building and Room number where the waste has been
6. The funding
source should be indicated.
7. Substance
identification is the NAME of the chemical involved, NOT the
chemical formula OR structure.
Example- hydrochloric
acid, NOT HCl. Water, NOT H2O.
8. List all
the components of a mixture.
9. Check the
Hazard Classification Box to the best of your knowledge for each
10. List the
volume or the weight for each component, not the percentage. Estimate
the volume. Use metric units.
11. Indicate
whether the waste is a gas, liquid, solid or sludge.
12. Sign and
date the form. This is done by the person bringing the waste to
the Chemical Safety Office.
7. Should you
have any questions, please contact the Chemical Safety Office or
stop by the office or the Lab. If you need Hazardous Waste Tags
or Manifests, please call the Chemical Safety Office at Ext. 63661.
can I find MSDS sheets?
Hard copies
of MSDS sheets are kept in a filing cabinet in the Chemical Safety
Office, room 4204 Young Hall, telephone (20)6-3661. They are filed
alphabetically in cabinets labeled "MSDS ".
The Chemical
Safety Office is open Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For
after hours entrance, the Faculty master key will open the office
A more convenient
way to obtain MSDS sheets is through the Internet. There is a link
on the Chemistry Home Page to the University of Utah's MSDS database.
Fisher Scientific has a database of MSDS also. The University of California
office of the President, has MSDS's from various manufacturer's,
including Sigma/Aldrich
Are safety glasses or goggles required in the lab?
Yes, safety
glasses are required in labs at UCLA. Safety glasses can be obtained
in the Research Storeroom, Young Hall 3056. Employees can
get the first pair of Safety glasses free by ordering them through
Kyra Marsh in the Business Office, telephone X5-3865.
What kind of gloves offer the best protection while working with
The selection
of gloves is not as straight-forward as it seems. Certain gloves
are protective against certain solvents, while useless against others.
Some gloves
can be used for total immersion in a solvent while others will withstand
less permeating chemicals in intermittent contact. Various thickness'
have different protective factors. Factors such as flexibility,
cut and tear resistance, and temperature range should be considered.
Anyone purchasing
gloves for protection should become familiar with the various protective
materials from which gloves are made and look at Glove Selection
Charts for applicability. Glove selection charts can be obtained
from the manufacturers of the gloves and from the laboratory supply
catalogues. There are also good references in textbooks, such as
"Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene", "Prudent Practices in the
Laboratory" and other sources. An important point to remember is
that disposable gloves are not suitable for use with hazardous or
aggressive chemicals. The disposable nitrile gloves carried by the
Research storeroom are suitable for brief or intermittent chemical
exposure to some chemicals. The manufacturer provides a chart of
suitability. If there are questions about suitability of gloves,
please call Bill Peck at X6-3661.
How should I clean up a chemical spill?
For chemical
spills involving large quantities of hazardous materials or
highly toxic chemicals, the UCLA Hazardous Materials Team should
be contacted. The number to reach them is 825-5689, or 911 in
an emergency. The Chemical Safety Office should also be notified
at 206-3661. The Haz Mat Team will do the cleanup.
In the event
of a fire emergency or after hours, please call 911.
Spill Response
Procedure for Large or Major Spill
1. Alert people
in the area to evacuate.
2. If spilled
material is flammable, turn off ignition and heat sources if
it is safe to do so.
3. Either
call the Hazardous Materials Team (825-5689) or activate the
building fire alarm and call 911.
4. Close
doors to affected area and leave the immediate area.
Small or
less toxic chemical spills can be handled by trained personnel
in the department. For the purposes of this policy, a small
spill can be defined as a volume of less than a liter. In many
cases, the use of a respirator will be appropriate. If a respirator
is to be used during a spill cleanup, the chemical to be cleaned
up must have good warning properties. This could be a recognizable
odor perceived at low concentrations, or a visual observation
of fine particulates.
Before attempting
to clean up spills, the laboratory personnel should consult
the MSDS to determine the hazards associated with the chemical.
Laboratory personnel should pay attention to special handling
requirements, spill clean up procedures, and recommended personal
protective equipment indicated on the MSDS. Examples of materials
which can be safely cleaned up by laboratory personnel are the
- dilute
acids and bases
- most solvents
- materials
of low toxicity
- mercury
spilled from a broken thermometer
personnel must have the proper personal protective equipment
to clean up a spill. Any questions regarding the ability to
safely clean up spills should be addressed to the Chemical Safety
Office at 206-3661 or to the Office of Environment Health and
Safety at 825-5689.
Spill Response
Procedure for small or minor spills
for cleanup can be obtained from the Spill Response Cart, located
in Molecular Sciences, Room 3114. The spill response cart has
a number of supplies on it including brooms, mops, vermiculite,
sand, absorbent pads, spill control pillows, sodium bicarbonate,
and citric acid. In addition, there are yellow hazardous waste
bags for trash and paper generated from the cleanup. There are
additional supplies available in the Emergency Cage (Young Hall,
first floor, near the Receiving area).
1. Alert people
in the immediate area of the spill.
2. Determine
chemical nature of the spill. Check the MSDS (Material Safety
Data Sheet). If the material spilled is highly hazardous, treat
it as a major spill, and call the Haz Mat Team (825-5689) or
3. If a
volatile, toxic or flammable material is spilled, immediately
warn everyone nearby to extinguish flames and turn off all electrical
and spark producing equipment.
4. Wear
the proper protective equipment; at a minimum, gloves and safety
5. Dike
the spill by surrounding the area with absorbents, such as vermiculite,
sand, absorbent pads or spill control pillows for organic liquids.
Clean up the spill using the same materials.
6. Neutralize
acids with sodium bicarbonate and bases with citric acid.
7. After
cleanup, all materials used in the cleanup, including paper
towels, must be disposed of as wastes and placed in the yellow
hazardous material disposal bags. Double bag the waste as needed.
Label the bags to indicate the chemicals inside.
8. Wash
the surfaces with soap and water and clean up by ordinary means.
Who should I call for problems concerning ventilation, temperature,
housekeeping, repairs?
Call the Mail
and Information Center at X5-4219. The Facilities Trouble desk for
after-hours problems is X5-8406.
What procedures should I follow in case of an accident or injury?
The procedures
are different for undergraduate students than they are for graduate
students, teaching assistants, research assistants and employees.
For undergraduates:
During normal
business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), go to Student Health
Services, located at the Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness
Center, Phone: X5-4073.
After 5:00
p.m., go to the Emergency Medicine Center, Room BE-324, Center
for the Health Sciences (CHS) X5-2111
Each student
must have a referral slip. A Student Referral Slip for Day Time
Lab Injury is required from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. while a Student
Referral Slip for Night Lab Injury is required for after hours
or weekend injuries. These forms can be obtained from the Personnel
Office at Young Hall, Room 3021; Chemical Safety Office, Room
4204; Lab Support, Room 1072; Undergraduate Office, Room
4009; Mail and Information Services, Room 3034.
For Graduate
Students, Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, Employees:
During normal
business hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) go to the
Occupational Heath Facility, Medical Plaza 200, room 224, Monday-Friday.
7:30 am -4:00 PM. X5-6771
After 4:30
p.m. or weekends, go to the Emergency Medicine Center, Room
BE-324, Center for the Health Sciences (CHS) X5-2111
An Employee
Referral Slip for Industrial Injury is required for treatment
in the Employee Medical Facility. A Departmental ID is required
for treatment in the Emergency Facility.
regarding proper handling of injuries:
- If the
injured is unconscious or cannot be safely moved, immediately
call 911.
- Injured
persons should not walk or drive to treatment without being
- Injured
persons should complete and return a departmental Accident Report
Form at their earliest convenience. The form is available in
the Chemical Safety Office, Young Hall, Room 4204.
How can I obtain a respirator?
All persons
planning on using a respirator on a regular basis must receive training
in the proper use, maintenance, storage and fit of the respirator.
This training requirement includes those persons who have purchased
their own respirators, as well as the respirators provided by the
The training
is given in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry on an annual
basis. Disposable respirators are provided to participants in the
Respirator Program. It is anticipated that the respirators provided
will be used for emergency use, when cleaning up spills, or when
cleaning out refrigerators or cabinets. Please call the Chemical
Safety Office at phone: 63661 for the scheduled training. Training
can also be provided on an individual basis as needed.
For further
information, refer to the Respiratory Protection Policy of the Department.
How can I update the sign on the laboratory door?
The sign on
the Laboratory door is an NFPA sign and is updated at least yearly,
usually in the Spring. If there are major changes or reasons to
update the sign, speak to the Principal Investigator and he can
request the Chemical Safety Office to update it. Don't attempt to
update it yourself, since that update will not change the database
where the information is stored.
Are there any Safety videos available for viewing?
The Office of
Environment Health and Safety has numerous videos available for
viewing. Please contact them at (82)5-5689. The Chemical Safety Office
has a smaller selection, which are available for checkout.
1. Laboratory
Fume Hood Safety
Kaufman and
Associates, 17 min. 1992
2. Stop That
Dose! Working Safely with Toxic Chemicals
ACS Lab Safety
Series, 22 min. 1996
3. Saf-T-Training:
Chemical Safety Training
- Chemical
- Chemical
Hazard Information
- Accident
Prevention and Spill Control
45 min. 1987
4. An Introduction
to Reactive and Explosive Materials
Hazards Productions,
5. Radionuclide
Howard Hughes
Medical Institute, 12 min.
6. Chemical
Howard Hughes
Medical Institute, 10 min.
7. Emergency
Howard Hughes
Medical Institute, 12 min.
8. ACS Laboratory
Safety Video Courses (Preview)
American Chemical
Society, 1996