Chemistry and Biochemistry Tenure Reception

On Tuesday, May 16, 2006, a reception was held in the Winstein Cafe Commons to celebrate two faculty members who received Tenure.

These two were Thomas G. Mason and Guillaume F. Chanfreau. CONGRATULATIONS!

Photos by Joseph Kulisics

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Max Kopelevich, head of Chem&Biochem Computing


Guillaume Chanfreau with colleagues


Guillaume Chanfreau



Chrissie Lee, Shajur Sayani and Mike Janis (Chanfreau Group)


Shimon Weiss with Max Kopelevich and Emil Reisler (Chem Prof. and Dean of Life Sci)



Guillaume Chanfreau with Chuck Knobler (Back to camera)


Bob. Scott (Emeritus Prof), Tom Mason (one of the guests of honor) and Chuck Knobler (Emeritus Prof)


Tom Mason, another view



Max Kopelevich and Alex Levine


Emil Reisler and Guillaume Chanfreau


Guillaume Chanfreau (far left), Harold Martinson (Chair of Chemistry), Tom Mason


Guillaume Chanfreau (far left), Harold Martinson (Chair of Chemistry), Tom Mason another view



Guillaume Chanfreau (far left), Harold Martinson (Chair of Chemistry), Tom Mason toasting the event


Dick Weiss, Guillaume acknowledging congrats, Robert Taylor (NMR) and Harold Martinson



Harold Martinson, Tom Mason, Libby Scott and Bob Scott


Front: Jay Gralla, Sara Graves, Clair Seager (Undergrad in Tom Mason's Group), Sabeeha Merchant
Back: Ric Kaner, Chrissie Lee, Rob Clubb, Seth Putterman, Heather Maynard


Tom Mason listening


Guillaume Chanfreau with his son Antoine and infant Jeremy in background, held by his wife Catherine



Penny Jennings (Back to camera, Biochemistry) holding Jeremy, with Guillaume and Catherine Chanfreau



Joan Valentine



Catherine Chanfreau holding Antoine with Harold Martinson and Chuck Knobler in background



Connie Chang with two unidentified men


Kevin Sea (Valentine Group)


Laurence Lavelle


Chuck Knobler and Harold Martinson in foreground, Ron Sugano, acting CAO of Chemistry partially visible behind Chuck in background


Mike Janis (Chanfreau Group)



Shakir Sayani and Jake Martins in foreground



Sabeeha Merchant, in foreground



Sarah Tolbert, Tom Mason and Yves Rubin (in profile)



Sarah Tolbert, Tom Mason and Yves Rubin



Tom Mason and Yves Rubin



Paula Diaconescu



Edie Gralla, in foreground


Guillaume Chanfreau (back to camera), Sarah Tolbert and Lawrence Lavelle in background


Guillaume Chanfreau and Antoine



Catherine holding Jeremy Chanfreau, with Guillaume in foreground, Mike Janis (Chanfreau Group) in background


Chanfreau Family Grouping
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