Mohamad Abbani (Robert Clubb, Advisor)
Structural Studies of Recombination Directionality Factors in
Lambda Prohage Recombination and Tn916 Transposition
Michael Bedard-Hearn (Benjamin Schwartz, Advisor)
Understanding Classical and Quantum Solvation Dynamics in the
Weakly Polar Solvent Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Using Projections
of Molecular Motions in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Daniel Boutz (Todd Yeates, Advisor)
Structural Studies of Intracellular Disulfide Bond Abundance
as a Novel Stabilizing Mechanism in Thermophilic Microbes
Adam Braunschweig (J. Fraser Stoddart, Advisor)
Structural Control of Molecular Machines
Luis Campos (Miguel Garcia-Garibay and Kendall
Houk, Advisors) Light-Induced Processes in Organic Chemistry:
Decarbonylations in Crystals, Quantum Tunneling, and Solar Cells
Pep Charusanti (Joseph DiStefano III and Daniel
Neuhauser, Advisors) "Math Models of Gleevec Effects on
Cellular-Level and Molecular-Level Signaling Events in Chronic
Myeloid Leukemia"
Omar Farha (M. Frederick Hawthorne, Advisor)
Synthesis of Novel Polyhedral Borane and Carborane Derivatives
with Applications in Materials Science and Medicine
Melissa Gulmezian (Catherine Clarke, Advisor)
Investigation of PAD1/ubiX Function, and Complex of Polypeptides
Involved in Coenzyme Q Biosythesis
Sandra Hick (Richard Kaner, Advisor) Rapid Synthesis of
Ternary Silicon Nitrides, Phosphors, Intercalation Compounds,
and Refractory Carbides (hooded by M.Fredrick Hawthorne)
David Ho (Michael Jung, Advisor) A New Method
to Synthesize Highly Hindered Cyclohexene Systems and Its Utility
Toward the Synthesis of Haterumaimides E (being hooded by Miguel
Thoi Nguyen (Jeffrey Zink, Advisor) Amalgamation
of Supramolecules and Sol-Gel Materials to Form Hybrid Materials
That Function as Molecular Valves
Keith Niedfeldt (Emily Carter, Advisor)
First Principles Predictions of Electron Tunneling Rates Between
Atoms and Molecules and Crystalline Surfaces
Brian Northrop (Kendall Houk and J. Fraser
Stoddart, Advisors)
I: Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Reactions Involved in
Natural Products and Organic Materials Formation.
II: Synthetic and Theoretical Studies of the Formation and Dynamic
Properties of Mechanically Interlocked Molecules
Joseph Norton (Kendall Houk, Advisor)
Electronic Structures and Reactions of Organic Materials for
Electronic and Optical Applications
Michael Page (M. Frederick Hawthorne, Advisor)
Rational Design and Synthesis of Serine Protease Inhibitors Containing
Hydrophobic Carborane Pharmacophores
Andrew Pelling (James Gimzewski, Advisor) Observation of Dynamic
Nano-Architectonics and Mechanics in Single Cells, Social Swarms
and Whole Organisms
Rosemarie Pilpa (Robert Clubb, Advisor)
Structural and Biochemical Studies of the First NEAT Domain of
IsdH: The Human Hemoglobin Receptor of Staphylococcus Aurues
Tanya Porras-Yakushi (Steven Clarke, Advisor)
Identification of Novel Methyltransferases in Translation
Soshanna Potter (Joan Valentine, Advisor) Direct
Biophysical Comparisons of Yeast and Human Copper-Zinc Superoxide
Dismutases: Dissecting The Roles of Metal Binding In The Protein
Maturation Pathway
Robert Ramirez (J. Fraser Stoddart, Advisor)
Noncovalent Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Eugene Rozumov (Yves Rubin, Advisor)
Polymers, Macrocycles, and Solar Cells
Shilpa Sambashivan (David Eisenberg, Advisor)
Structural Studies of Amyloid/Amyloid-like Fibrils From Ribonuclease
A, Abeta and Tau
James Tsay (Shimon Weiss, Advisor)
Synthesis and Photophysics of Visible and Near Infrared-Emitting
Biologically Compatible Semiconductor Nanocrystals