The Seaborg Symposium, 2004

"Interacting Proteins"

At the Symposium, Poster Session

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Proceed to Seaborg Symposium Afternoon Talks

Michael Strong, who did not get his picture taken, was the winner of this year's Poster Session 


Mark Reiners


Alam Maksudul


Alam Maksudul explaining the concept to an interested individual


Kurt Januszyk and Jerome Zoidakis


Emil Reisler and Harvey Hershman


Markus Kaufmann and Michael Sawaya


Shilpa Sambashivan


Marcin Apostol, David Lippman and Soyeon Im


Daniel Boutz, Kevin Plaxco


Fang Fuo


Fred Wudl Studies Data


Julian Whitelegge, Kym Faull, Don Puppione
created 1/3/05 by Alice Ramirez