The Seaborg Symposium, 2004

"Interacting Proteins"


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Proceed to Seaborg Symposium Reception and Dinner

Chair Harold Martinson / Session Chair Jim Bowie / Stanley Prusiner / Douglas Rees / Todd Yeates/ Thomas Terwilliger/ David Eisenberg


Harold Martinson, Chair of UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry, greets the audience


and says a few words.


Session Chair , Professor James Bowie of UCLA, adds his remarks



Jim Bowie acknowledges Michael Strong on winning the Poster Contest.


First Speaker of the afternoon: Stanley B. Prusiner, of the University of California San Francisco, gives a talk on "Synthetic Prions and Mad Cows"






Professors Charles Knobler and Joan Valentine in the audience. Joan is asking a question.


Audience member asks another question.


Dean Tony Chan, ProfessorsDavid Eisenberg and Emil Reisler in Audience


Profs. Heather Maynard, Chuck Knobler and Joan Valentine




Kevin Plaxco and Doug Rees, in audience



David Eisenberg among others in the audience


Rapt attention


Kevin Plaxco and Doug Rees, really enjoying the presentation!


Douglas C. Rees, of the California Institute of Technology, begins his talk "Getting Across the Membrane: Structural Studies of Channels and Transporters"




View from audience





Bill Gelbart and Tony Miguel in audience.





Todd O. Yeates, the second Session Chair , makes introductory remarks after the break and Poster Session




Thomas C. Terwilliger, of Los Alamos National Laboratory begins his talk on:

"Structural Genomics: Technology and Structures for Biology"




Harvey Herschman




David Eisenberg, 2004 Seaborg Medal Winner, begins his talk on "Interacting Proteins"






Fred Wudl asks a question






Chair Martinson makes the closing remarks