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Overview/ Events/ Faculty/ Research/Special Seminars/Graduate Symposium

April 6 Virgil Percec, Department of Chemistry, U. of Pennsylvania. "Nature as a Model for the Design of Functional Nanosystems."
April 13 Didier Astruc, Department of Chemistry, U. of Bordeaux.  "Metallodendrimers for Molecular Recognition and Catalysis."
April 6 Masakatsu Shibasaki, Grad.School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo. UCLA-AMGEN Lecture. "Recent Progress in Multifunctional Asymmetric Catalysis." UCLA-AMGEN LECTURE
April 27 Jan Becher, Department of Chemistry, U. of Odense. "Tetrathiafulvalene-Based Supramolecular Chemistry: Recent Developments."
May 4 George Gokel, Department of Molecular Biology and Pharmmacy, Washington Univ. Medical School, St. Louis. "Experimental Evidence For Alkali Metal Cation-Pi Interactions."
May 11  Zhenan Bao, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. "Self-Assembled Organic Materials for Electronic and Optical Applications"
May 18 Eusebio Juaristi, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City. "Enthalpic and Entropic Contributions to the Conformational Free Energy Differences in Monosubstituted Cyclohexanes".
May 25 Thomas R. Hoye, Department of Chemistry, U. of Minnesota. "Natural Product Structure and Synthesis Studies"
June 1 Christopher Reed, Department of Chemistry, U. of California, Riverside.  "New Fullerene Chemistry"
June 8  Luis Echegoyen, Department of Chemistry, U. of Miami.  "Electrochemistry and Electrosynthesis of
Fullerene Derivatives."
June 15  Bruce Bunker,  Sandia National Laboratories.  "Switchable Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Surfaces and Coatings for Micromachines."

updated 5/5/00 by Alice Ramirez

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Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, UCLA