INSPEC, producers of Physics Abstracts, Electrical & Electronics Abstracts, Computer & Control Abstracts, and Information Technology Abstracts, covers world-wide scientific literature in many languages. Each citation has an abstract, and includes carefully constructed keywords and descriptors for efficient retrieval.

Topics to expect in INSPEC include: electrical engineering, electronics, computers, systems and control technology, physics, astronomy, communications, and computational mathematics.

Because of its size, INSPEC is divided into four files. The default file, INS, covers 1989 to present. To access another file, type one of the corresponding commands listed below:

Set db ins85 {covers 1985-1988}

Set db ins80 {covers 1980-1984}

Set db ins69 {covers 1969-1979}

Quick Summary of INSPEC Commands:

set db ins to start databases on MELVYL

find au find author; ex: f au abidi, a

find tw find title words; ex: f tw quantum well#

find kw find keywords (searches abstracts, title words, and subjects);

ex: f kw antenna# array#

find su find subjects; ex: f su field effect transistors

find aa find author's affiliation; ex: f aa univ# calif#

find conf find conference title or place; ex: f conf san diego laser# 1992

find ch find chemical names using molecular formulas;

Example: f ch GaAs

Chemical roles can be also be added, such as:

f ch Ga/el gallium as an element

f ch GaAs/bin binary= 2 elements

f ch GaAlAs/ss 3 or more components

f ch He/ads adsorbate, sorbate

f ch Ag/dop dopant

f ch SiC/int interface

f ch Al/sur surface or substrate

NOTE: Chemical formulas must be in upper and lower case

INSPEC Display Options:

d loc ucla will list all citations and include UCLA call numbers

when they are available

d abs will list all citations with abstracts, for citations that have

abstracts available

d short su will list all citations with subject descriptors

INSPEC Mail Option:

You are able to mail your citations to your email account from INSPEC. First SAVE your citations, then MAIL them. Include any desired display options in your mail command. For example:

step 1: save 1-5 abs loc ucla saves the first five citations from your search with abstracts and UCLA call numbers

step 2: mail list to your@email.addrs mails the 5 citations you have saved with abstracts and UCLA call numbers to your account

optional: clear clears your list and allows you to save a new set of items
