Student Questionnaire on IEI
Dear Student:
The Instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI) was designed to enhance
instruction through the support of various technologies employed in undergraduate
courses and was instituted at UCLA in the Fall Quarter 1997. This survey
is designed to obtain feedback from you regarding your experience with
this initiative in your classes this quarter. Please take time to answer
each question carefully. Your responses are very important to us, and will
be used to improve the future uses of technology in instruction at UCLA.
Thank you for your time.
College Instructional Computing Committee
Question 1. Year in school.
a) Freshman b) Sophomore c) Junior d) Senior e) Graduate f) Other
Question 2. Gender.
a) Male b) Female
Question 3. Course name:
Question 4. Course ID number:
Question 5. Do you live in the residence hall?
a) Yes b) No
Question 6. Rate your experience with using the web.
a) No Experience b) Beginner c) Intermediate d) Advanced
Question 7. On average, how frequently did you access the course web
a) Never b) A few times c) Once per week d) Several times per week
e) Daily
Question 8. How did you primarily access your course web site?
a) From an on-campus residence hall
b) From an on-campus computer lab
c) Dial-up using Bruin OnLine
d) Dial-up using an Internet Service Provider
e) Other
Question 9. When you accessed the course web site:
A) how satisfactory was the access?
a) Highly Unsatisfactory b) Unsatisfactory c) Neutral d) Satisfactory
e) Highly Satisfactory
B) if access was not satisfactory was it due primarily to (select one):
a) Making a connection f) Web experience
b) Speed of connection g) Lack of information
c) Access to a computer h) Lack of training
d) The computer i) Other
e) The software
Question 10. Did the course web site facilitate your contact with the
following individuals:
A) With the instructor
a) Not at all b) Only slightly c) Moderately d) Significantly
B) With the teaching assistant
a) Course did not have a TA b) Not at all c) Only slightly d) Moderately
e) Significantly
C) With other students in the course
a) Not at all b) Only slightly c) Moderately d) Significantly
Question 11. Which components of the course web site did you find to
be the most useful? (select all that apply)
a) Discussion bulletin board b) Syllabus c) Lecture notes d) Exams/Exam
e) Useful links f) Assignments/Problems g) Other
Question 12. How often did you use the student computing labs (i.e.
CLICC, Science Learning Center, departmental lab, etc.)?
a) Never b) A few times c) Once per week d) Several times per week
e) Daily
Question 13. How helpful were the support staff at the student computing
lab you used most?
a) No opinion b) Highly Unsatisfactory c) Unsatisfactory d) Satisfactory
e) Highly Satisfactory
Question 14. Please suggest how the web site for this course could be
improved for future students in the course or make any additional comments
you would like to make about the use of the web in this course?
Question 15. Are there any additional comments you would like to make about
the student computing labs?
Question 16. Your instructor may provide you with a question to use as
question 16. Please write the question in and respond below.