Results of Spring Quarter 1998 Faculty IEI Survey
Anthropology | 3% |
Applied Linguistics and TESL | 3% |
Asian American Studies | 3% |
Atmospheric Sciences | 3% |
Biology | 3% |
Chicana and Chicano Studies | 3% |
Classics | 3% |
Communication Studies | 3% |
Earth and Space Sciences | 3% |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | 3% |
Economics | 8% |
Geography | 5% |
History | 11% |
Italian | 5% |
Mathematics | 5% |
Musicology | 3% |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | 8% |
Philosophy | 5% |
Physics and Astronomy | 3% |
Political Science | 3% |
Psychology | 3% |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | 3% |
Sociology | 11% |
Writing Programs | 3% |
2. How much experience do you have using the Web for a course?
Little or none | 26% |
Intermediate | 55% |
Extensive | 18% |
3. What is your primary access to the course Web site?
Office computer | 79% |
Home dial-in using Bruin Online | 29% |
Home dial-in using an Internet service provider | 21% |
Department computer lab | 3% |
Other | 3% |
3. Mark ALL features that your course Web site contains.
Syllabus | 100% |
Question and answering posting | 47% |
Discussion bulletin board | 63% |
Lecture notes | 39% |
Announcements | 79% |
Reading assignments | 53% |
Sample problems or old exams | 34% |
Problem set or exam keys | 18% |
Audio or video clips | 21% |
Picture, graphics or visual data | 34% |
Links to other resources | 79% |
Other | 21% |
4. Mark the TWO features that YOU find to be the most useful.
Syllabus | 18% |
Question and answering posting | 13% |
Discussion bulletin board | 24% |
Lecture notes | 24% |
Announcements | 26% |
Reading assignments | 16% |
Sample problems or old exams | 13% |
Problem set or exam keys | 11% |
Audio or video clips | 11% |
Picture, graphics or visual data | 16% |
Links to other resources | 42% |
Other | 5% |
5. Mark the TWO features that the STUDENTS find to be the most useful.
Syllabus | 16% |
Question and answering posting | 13% |
Discussion bulletin board | 21% |
Lecture notes | 29% |
Announcements | 13% |
Reading assignments | 13% |
Sample problems or old exams | 21% |
Problem set or exam keys | 8% |
Audio or video clips | 11% |
Picture, graphics or visual data | 0% |
Links to other resources | 18% |
Other | 0% |
7. Do you maintain your own class web site without technical support?
Yes | 37% |
No | 58% |
No answer | 5% |
6. What is the net impact of using the Web on your teaching? How does it affect your teaching, your course, your interactions with students and your students learning?
Student/teacher contact has increased and some resources have resulted in more creative output.
Creates more work for me although it efficiently helps me meet certain student needs. Also creates more impersonal instructional environment.
Students seem more secure about course when they know the lecture notes are online.
Love the access to new resources that the web provides to me and students.
Course is better organized, and I have much better sense of how students are doing. Students who use the web and keep up with class are learning better, but some students rely on it too much, don't go to lecutres and may get lost.
Doesn't impact how I teach because I have no assignments that require students to use web. Have font problems.
Forces TA's and instructor to structure assignments, reading and lecture. Makes us more student-oriented.
Increases my time investment significantly. Have to hire additional support or would not personally survive quarter. Class attendance has dropped because lecture notes are online. Web links are very valuable to me and students.
Would be more effective if students weren't intimidated by the technology or if more had computer access outside of campus.
Just an optional activity right now. Enjoy searching for links to put up and watch discussion board buzz.
Makes me more accessible out of class.
Web site takes a lot of time.
Need more time to develop web before it can be evaluated.
Can extend interaction with students beyond class and office hours. Students can continue practicing their Hebrew.
Takes a lot of time with minimal payback.
Makes basic information accessible at any time. Discussion provides record of questions and e-mail is useful too.
Audio reserves has been a big help. Otherwise, very little impact.
More organized. Takes longer to get information to students. Classroom overhead projector vibrates and makes transparencies out of focus.
Students can pick up problem sets without attending class.
Can make images used in class available to students on web.
Hasn't changed the way I teach because of already using computer multimedia. Wish laptop was supported on GACnet so could use web during class. Interactions with students has increased.
Can provide clear reading text. Gave students more freedom of selection of reading materials.
So far the web is an alternative method for distributing materials.
Lecture notes on web are very useful. Feel like I can convey lots more information.
Allows sound resources in convenient form accessible even to students who can't use on-campus facilities.
Modest to minimal impact, but suspect virtual office hours helps personalize course.
Allows me to give variety of resources to students.
Facilitates access to course info and materials. Easier to spend class time focusing on content.
Anonymous posts were mostly bad (should require student ID). Lecture notes markedly improve student performance.
Had almost no impact.
Allows students to pose questions and be able to think them through carefully (gaining confidence).
Makes things easier for me with respect to the work.
8. What support is available to you? What support do you use? What support would you like to see be made available?
I use GTC, OID mini grants, OID personnel.
Hired student to post things on site. Student's time is limited so can't do as much. Would like to see a more experienced support person with more time for the job.
Two "techies" in the Department of History.
History Department support. Will take instruction so I can maintain my site myself.
Two grad students, my office computer, and department computer to do web searches and prepare lecture notes, etc. on home computer.
Used instructions given through e-mail and on web.
Received insufficient support. Had to allocate research funds for help as TA's are not trained and resistant to learning.
Departmental advisor. Would be nice to have more local support.
Have good info tech support though GSE and IS.
Departmental webmaster
GTC, HCF help desk, faculty training
SSC provides announcements, discussion board; I maintain syllabus and other resources.
Department will place syllabus on site and SSC set up basics of site. I use departmental server for posting program for ps to pdf conversion.
Graduate student
Department just hired a true webmaster but have not used his services so far. Direct availability of funding for hardware/software and technical support would be nice. IIP only once a year is inadequate and too competitive.
Technology consultant. Hope the CLICC hours will be extended and available on weekends.
Department student-consultants, HCF staff and IEI personnel
Department programming staff. An online or telephone Q&A would be great.
Webmaster for entire department 2 days a week (not adequate).
9. Please feel free to make additional comments about the IEI or use of the Web for instruction.
Has been a positive experience providing resources which have helped our language program.
Is not suited for small seminar class which should maximize instructor/student personal interaction. Nonetheless students in these classes are required to pay the fee.
E-mail is the most effective way to communicate with students apart from face-to-face contact.
Need much better access in classroom. Stopped bringing portable computer because it took too long to hook up.
IEI should ensure that instructors of large lecture courses have adequate hardware.
Will have website next fall. Will require students to use the web to post assignments, projects, discussion. I'd like to see a summary of results for our class.
Web lecture outlines have the same disadvantage as regular lecture notes ? class attendance drops noticeably.
Would gradually like to use the web more for instruction but find it hard to pick up the skills to do anything with the webpage myself.
No way to make web use a requirement for students unless UCLA provides considerably more computer access. The assumption that all students have the resources to get a computer is classist and fallacious.
The principle is fine but students aren't getting enough value for the money. I need a quarter's teaching relief to make real use of the web in terms of content.
University needs to establish an archive of images that can legally and easily be added to websites.
Students need small class sizes and more access to TA's. No technological solution to this problem is available. University is wasting resources and energy on these hip projects when the core education offered to students is poor and lacking basic support.
Not sure where IEI money from registration fees goes. Would like to see accounting and whether it's turning into a south to north campus transfer of funds like extramural grant overhead currently works. Should publicize some best uses of the web for instruction via the UCLA homepage. Faculty can see what others are doing and get ideas for their own site.
When more courses use computers, hope there will be enough stations and time available for all the courses. For my course, I will need one and a half CLICC use every week. Please make sure this will be possible.
Discussion area is poorly designed. Doesn't allow titles and would like to use this feature more. Also, simplify everything. It's hard to get students involved if they can't use the system from their less sophisticated home systems.
Web is a useful and powerful teaching tool. Using it well takes time and effort though. Would use the web even without IEI since I work in computing.
Support is inadequate. Anonymous posts permit students to engage in gratuitous cruelty, most toward each other.
The web is not valuable for a majority of courses. Are already used to dealing with handouts in paper format. Don't feel comfortable telling a student to print a handout from the web.
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