A | |
AAAS | |
Abbeion Cal, Inc. | |
Academic Press | |
ACS Publications | |
ADA Worklink | |
AgriSera | |
Airborne | |
Airtech | |
Aldrich | |
Allegiance Healthcare | |
Allen Press: J.of Phycology | |
Allied Converters | |
Alltech | |
Ambion | |
American Assoc.of Plant Biologists (ASPB) - formerly American Soc.of Plant Physiology (ASPP) | |
American Bionetics | |
American Chemical Society | |
American Society for Biochemistry | |
Amersham 1992-1996 - see Dupont NEN; see New England Nuclear | |
Amersham 1997- see Dupont NEN; see New England Nuclear | |
Amicon | |
Amresco | |
Ann Arbor Plastics | |
Anthony's Window Cleaning | |
Apple Care | |
Applied Biosystems | |
Applied Scientific | |
APS | |
Arrowhead Conference | |
Ashgate Publishing | |
ASM | |
Associated Bag Co. | |
ASUCLA Computer Store | |
ASUCLA Graphics | |
ASUCLA Student Store | |
ASUCLA Travel Services | |
B | |
Babco | |
Bachem | |
Bamant | |
Baxter Scientific Products | |
Bay Cities Appliances | |
Beckman Instruments | |
Bel Air Camera | |
Bel Art | |
Bellco | |
Beta Electronics | |
Bio 101 -see Q Biogene | |
Biological Chemistry Media Facility | |
Biology | |
Bio-Rad | |
Biospec Products, Inc. | |
Biovax | |
BKM | |
Bob Slate Stationary | |
Boehringer Mannheim - see Roche Molecular | |
Bremshield Corp. | |
Brinkman | |
BRL - Primer - see Gibco BRL; see Invitrogen | |
Broadly James Corp. | |
Bulbtronics | |
C | |
C + Y Group | |
CAD Micro Distribution | |
Cadmus Journal | |
Calbiochem | |
California Computer Options | |
California Toner | |
Canon - Astro | |
Capital City Press | |
CBS Scientific | |
Central Health Science Pharmacy | |
Chambers and Associates Division | |
Chemistry Department Invoices | |
Chlamydomonas Genetics | |
Claim Forms | |
Claremont Hotel | |
Cocalico Biologicals, Inc. | |
Cold Spring Harbor Lab | |
Cole Parmer | |
Computer Boards, Inc. | |
Connecting Point IBM Service | |
Consolidated Plastics | |
Continental Computers | |
Copier & Fax Showroom | |
Cora Styles Needles 'N Blocks | |
Cornell Plant Center | |
Corning | |
Costar | |
Covance | |
D | |
Daizey Corp. | |
Dankar Scientific | |
Del Capri Hotel | |
Dell Educational (KST) | |
DNA Sequencing Facility | |
Document Services | |
DuPont NEN - see New England Nuclear; see Amersham | |
E | |
E & I Cooperative | |
Eastman | |
Edge BioSystems | |
Electrical Insulation Suppliers | |
Electrical Specialities | |
Employee Accident Forms | |
Enzyme Center | |
Epicentre Technologies | |
EPIX, Inc. | |
Erway Glass Blowing | |
F | |
Facilities | |
FedEx | |
First (1st) Computer | |
Fisher 1987-1990 | |
Fisher 1991-1995 | |
Fisher 1996-2000 | |
Fisher 2001- | |
Five (5) Prime→Three (3) Prime | |
Flexel (UCB Films) | |
Fluka Aldrich | |
FMC Bioproducts | |
Fotodyne | |
Fry's Electronics | |
G | |
Gallard Schlesinger | |
Garland Publishing | |
GE Parts | |
Genemed | |
Genetic Designs, Inc. | |
Genetics Society | |
Genosys Technologies, Inc. | |
Gibco BRL - see BRL; see Invitrogen | |
Gilson | |
Glas-Col | |
Glen Research | |
Gold Biotech | |
Gordon Research Conferences | |
H | |
Harris Manufacturing Co. | |
Harris Parts Division | |
Henry International, Inc. | |
Hewlett Packard | |
High-Tech Digital, Inc. | |
Hoeffer - see Amersham | |
Humana Press | |
Hyclone | |
I | |
IBI | |
IBM | |
ICN | |
Idea Scientific Co. | |
Info Systems | |
Institute of Biological Chemists | |
Insurance | |
Integrated Instrument Services | |
Integrated Separation | |
Interelectric Corp. | |
Intermountain Scientific Corp. | |
Invitrogen - see Gibco BRL; see Invitrogen | |
IRL Press (Oxford University Press) | |
ISC Bioexpress | |
ISEC, Inc. | |
ISI | |
IZR | |
J | |
Jandel Scientific (Sigma Plot) | |
Jonsson Cancer Center | |
Journal of Molecular Biology | |
JRH Biosciences | |
K | |
Kazusa DNA Research Institute | |
Kendrick Labs, Inc. | |
Keystone Symposia | |
Kimura Fotomart | |
Kinko's | |
Kirkegaard & Perry Lab, Inc. | |
KIS Computer Center | |
Kodak | |
Kontron Instruments | |
KW Media Group | |
L | |
L.A. Cascade | |
Laboratory Supplies | |
Lamon Instrumental Co. Ltd. | |
Laragen | |
Laundry Service | |
Levenger | |
Library Photocopy | |
Li-Cor, Inc. | |
Lyben Computer Systems | |
M | |
Mac Warehouse | |
Mactel Technology Corp. | |
Marligen Bioscience, Inc. | |
Marvel Industries | |
McBain Instruments | |
Medico Professional Linen | |
Meetings Plus | |
Merry X-Ray | |
Mettler-Toledo, Inc. | |
Microoutlet | |
Micropage | |
Mikron Instruments | |
Miles Diagnostic, Inc. | |
Millipore | |
MJ Research | |
Modern Service Office Supply | |
Molecular Dynamics | |
Mozena Customized Texts | |
N | |
National Academy of Sciences | |
National Bag Co. | |
National Diagnostics | |
New Brunswick | |
New England Biolabs | |
New England Nuclear - see Dupont NEN; see Amersham | |
Nikon Microscope (McBain Instruments) | |
Niles and Associates, Inc. | |
Nynex | |
O | |
Occupational Services, Inc. | |
Office Depot | |
Ohio St. Res. Found. Arabidopsis Center | |
Oligos, Etc., Inc. | |
Operon Technologies, Inc. | |
OPS (Online Products for Science) | |
Outpatient Services | |
Owens & Minor | |
Oxford University Press | |
P | |
PC Connection | |
Perkin-Elmer/Applied Biosystems | |
Perspective Measurements | |
PGC Scientific Personal Computer | |
Pharmacia | |
Phoenix Research Products, Inc. | |
Photo: OID | |
Photon Systems Instruments, Inc. | |
Phototechniques | |
Pierce | |
Pipet Repair Service | |
Plastic Products | |
Plenum | |
Polaroid | |
Polytech Products | |
Porphyrin Products | |
Port, Inc. | |
Precision Plus Vacuum Parts, Inc. | |
Protein Sequencing Facility | |
Publication Services Department | |
Q | |
Q Biogene - see Bio 101 | |
Qiagen | |
Qiagen Genomics | |
Qualcomm (Eudora Program) | |
R | |
Radioisotopes - Invoices | |
Radioisotopes - MOA | |
Rainin | |
Reimbursements 1987-1990 | |
Reimbursements 1991-1995 | |
Reimbursements 1996-2000 | |
Reimbursements 2001 - | |
Reliable | |
Reprographics | |
Research Genetics | |
Research Instruments | |
Research Products International Corp. | |
Roche Molecular | |
S | |
Sargent-Welch | |
Sarstedt | |
Savant Instruments, Inc. | |
Schleicher & Schuell | |
Scientific Visions Systems | |
Scott Townsend | |
Sears | |
Serva/Crescent Chemical Co. | |
Shamrock | |
Sigma 1987-2000 | |
Sigma 2001- | |
SLM Aminco | |
Soft Focus | |
Southern California Scientific | |
Specialty Refrigeration | |
Springer-Verlag | |
St. Lucie Press | |
STA Travel | |
Staples | |
Storehouse | |
Stratagene | |
Surplus | |
T | |
Technique Safety Services | |
Telecommunications | |
TG Scientific Glass Fabrication, Inc. | |
Thomas Scientific | |
Tiverton House | |
Tresorier Delegue de Saclay | |
Twentieth (20th) Century Plastics | |
U | |
U.S. Biochemical | |
U.S. Biological | |
UBA Cryogenics | |
UCLA Book Bindery | |
UCLA Document Service | |
UCLA Graphic Serices | |
UCLA Pharmacy | |
UCLA Police | |
UCLA Travel Center | |
UCLA Travel Expense Vouchers 1988-1995 | |
UCLA Travel Expense Vouchers 1996-2000 | |
UCLA Travel Expense Vouchers 2001- | |
United Scientific Products, Inc. | |
Université Bordeaux | |
University of Georgia | |
University of Nebraska - Lincoln | |
University of Wisconsin | |
University Science Books | |
USA Scientific | |
UTEX` | |
UW Biotechnology | |
V | |
Van Slager Assoc. | |
Vector Laboratories | |
Village Photo | |
Vincent Associates | |
VWR | |
W | |
Washington University | |
Waters Assoc. | |
Waverly Press | |
West Coast Scientific | |
Wiley & Sons | |
Winbook | |
WP Corp. | |
Y | |
Young, Richard | |
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