Professor Emeritus; BS, University of California, Los Angeles; PhD, Columbia University; John Simon Guggenheim Fellow; Alfred P. Sloan Fellow; Carothers Visiting Professor, Harvard University.


Current research interests in the area of quantum statistical mechanics include applications and extensions of the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac statistical model to: derivation of the Madelung Rule for Aufbau of the Periodic System; improvement of the Dirac exchange correction; explanation of the properties of the rare earths; elucidation of nuclear statistics and the nuclear energy surface; study of special relativity in quantum mechanics, especially properties of the electron; development of the Virial Theorem in its many derivations and applications; application of the grand partition function to systems of particles involving long-range interactions, including extension of the London-Hamaker interaction to large molecules in solution by third-order perturbation; and theory of electrolyte solutions, particularly dielectric saturation around ions and the applicability of Stokes' Law in determining ion radii.

Current research in the area of geophysics includes development of a theory for the production of aurora attending some large nocturnal earthquakes; explanation of seismic ducting, with applications to the detection and location of underground structures, seismic sources or scattering centers; interpretation of the clouds of the planet Venus in terms of particles of solid carbon dioxide; development of a theory of thunderstorms; simulation of nuclear explosions in the atmosphere by large-scale fuel-air explosions; and stellar energy production and the problem of the deficiency of solar neutrinos.


Chemical Physics: quantum statistical mechanics; geophysics.