Professor Raphael D. Levine

972-2-6585343(scy); Direct 972-2-6585260
Department of Physical Chemistry, Hebrew University Jerusalem 91904, Israel
E-mail him at
Short Overview
R.D. Levine M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Phil., Ph.D.h.c. (mult), Max Born Professor of Natural Philosophy
aka Raphy Levine
Participation in International Scientific Forums
Member of the Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Member of the Inernational Academy of Quantum Molecular Science.
Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Foreign Member of Academia Europaea.
Max-Planck Gesellschaft
Board, International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics
Academic Council, Einstein Archives
Foreign Member of the American Philosophical Society
Foreign Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
Israel Chemical Society
American Chemical Society
Fellow of the American Physical Society
Spheres of Interest
Chemistry under extreme conditions
Chemistry on multi electronic states
Ab initio reaction dynamics
Dynamics of high Rydberg states
Dynamics and spectroscopy in congested level systems
Reaction dynamics and mechanism in large systems including clusters and in solution
Algebraic techniques for structure and dynamics in anharmonic systems
Dynamics in phase space, including the application of information theory
Group Members
Michal Ben-Nun
Tamar Raz
Dr. Francoise Remacle
Leonid Baranov
Dr. Todd Martinez
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