Prof. Thomas G. Mason's physical chemistry laboratory at UCLA: microrheology, nanoemulsions, dispersions, microfluidics. Thomas G. Mason Microrheology, microfluidics, rheology, particle tracking, glass, glasses, gels, dynamic mechanical shear properties, viscoelastic soft materials, aggregation, slippery aggregation, Shear-induced structures in complex fluids, emulsification, shear-banding, shear-ordering, Neutron scattering, light scattering, nanomaterials, asphaltenes, clays, droplets, polymers, Directed assembly, nanoparticles, solution, shape-dependent attractive interactions, John McTague Career Development Chair, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, Joseph Henry Prize in Physics, Summa cum Laude in Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Chancellor's Scholar