- American Chemical Society
- American Peptide Society
is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to promoting advancement
in the knowledge of the chemistry and biology of peptides and proteins
- Brazilian Chemical Society (Sociedade Brasileira de
- Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC)
- Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Chlorophiles is an independant non-profit
organization of workers in the chlorine- and PVC-indsutry
- Coatings Industry Alliance, provides common
marketing, sales, environmental and technology transfer among non-competing companies in
the paint, coating, adhesive and basic resin manufacturing industries
- Commonwealth Scientific and Research
Organisation of Australia (CSIRO), Division of Chemicals & Polymers
- Danish Chemical Society
- DECHEMA e.V. - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer
Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. (non profit
organization, Chemistry, Germany)
- Electrochemical Society, Inc.
- European Chemical Society
- European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry
- European Molecular Liquids
Group(EMLG) - a community of about 120 scientist working in the field of fluids
- European Photochemsitry Association
- German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker,
- Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
- International Organization for Chemical Sciences in
Development (IOCD) - supporting chemistry in developing countries
- International Society of Heterocyclic
- International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC)
- Italian Chemical Society, Division of
- Mendeleev Communications presents preliminary
accounts of original and significant work from Russia, other states of the former Soviet
Union and elsewhere
- Michigan Molecular Institute, a non-profit
research institute specializing in the research, development and commercialization of
leading edge technologies
- National Environmental Information Service
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Chemistry
WebBook includes thermochemical properties, specifically enthalpy of formation,
entropy and heat capacity, for over 5,000 compounds, ionization and appearance potentials
for over 10,000 compounds
- North American Catalysis Society
- Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- PolyNet information for professionals working
in the area of polycrystals
- Royal Society of Chemistry server allows
access to the RSC Library and Publications Catalogues, press releases, educational
resources plus listing contents and forthcoming journal articles
- Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Nobel Foundation
- Society of Chemical Industry aims to promote
applications of chemistry and related sciences
- Swiss Chemistry Olympiad
- Technical Research Centre of Finland,
Chemical Technology
- Third World Academy of Sciences
(TWAS) is an international organization devoted to enhancing indigenous basic science
in developing countries
- US FDA/CFSAN (Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition)
Last updated: 17-July-1998