- BioChemNet is a directory of web resources
for biology and chemistry teachers
- ChemFinder WebServer, a name-, formula-,
MW-, CAS RN-, and *substructure*-searchable chemical database, indexes over 150 chemical
information sites
- Chemistry and WWW
- Chemistry Engines -
interconvert some common file formats
- Chlorine site is designed to promote better understanding
of the science of chlorine chemistry
- MOGADOC Database (Molecular
Gasphase Documentation)
- Molecular Monte Carlo
- German
Virtual Library - Chemie
- FU Berlin, Hierarchical
Internet Chemistry Index
- Chemistry UK Internet resource Index from
U-NET Limited
- La Trobe University, WebChemistry
- Liverpool University, An
extensive list of homepages for UK Universities with Chemistry Departments
- Chemistry Web BBS (Korea)
- Nanotechnology on the WWW
- Nanotechnology Page from Xerox PARC
- Northern Illinois University,
Department of Chemistry, Index
- Prode, list of Italian chemistry
- Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Department of Chemistry, Index
- Yahoo - Science - Chemistry
- University of Sheffield, Department
of Chemistry, Index
- ChemEd: Chemistry
Education Resources
- Ume� University, Chemistry
Teaching Resources
- Biochemistry, Molecular
Biology, and Biophysics (Harvard)
- Biomolecular and Biosequence Databases
- Enterprise Integration
Network (EINet) Chemistry Page
- Indiana University, Directory of
Biotechnology Resources
- U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U. S. Occpational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Inventory of Sources for History
of Twentieth-century Physics - Report and microfiche index to 700,000 letters
- Sonochemistry
Network page (Use of Ultrasound in Chemistry)
- Tech Expo - Directory of Engineering
and Scientific Magazines
- WWW Virtual Libraries
Max Kopelevich // mik@chem.ucla.edu
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of California Los Angeles
Last updated: 17-July-1998