We have begun reviewing abstract submissions.
We will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis for both talks
and posters until all talk slots are filled. After all talks have been
filled we will continue to accept applications for posters.
Please use the word template available
here for your submission.
All abstracts should use the following format:
Title: Times New Roman, 12 pt, title case, center
Authors: Use full names, underline presenting authors
Author affiliations: use numerical superscripts in the authors
list to indicate author affiliations.
Please include full addresses of the affiliation, including country.
Presenting author contact information:
Presenting authors should complete the information requested on the second
page of the template.
This information will not be included in the abstract book.
Abstract text: Please limit your abstract to 300 words, Times New Roman 12 pt,
14 pt line spacing. Longer abstracts will be returned without review.
If you would like to include a figure, please use the text box provided.
If you do not plan to include a figure, simple select and delete the text
box from the template. All abstracts must fit on a single page,
including figures. Line spacing may not be adjusted to increase density.
References: You may include references, but the full document is limited to
1 page.
Once complete, please e-mail your abstract as both word and pdf to
IMMS10@chem.ucla.edu with the subject heading "IMMS10 abstract submission".
To help speed up the Visa application process for non-U.S. attendees,
we will be accepting abstracts on a rolling basis for presentation as either
a contributed talk or a poster (not specified), prior to making final
decisions about contributed talks. Please indicate your preferred
submission type (contributed or poster talk) on the second page of the
abstract template. Once accepted, you will be notified
and provided with a Letter of Invitation that may be used for a B-1 Visa
application. Final decisions about contributed talks and poster
presentations will be made in the spring.