Day Three Invited Speakers

Professor Giovanni Zocchi, UCLA

Living matter, at the molecular scale, is different from usual matter. Biological macromolecules deform without breaking, couple reactions to motion, perform tasks. Stretching a point, we may say that at the molecular scale, life is the coupling of chemical reactions to conformational motion. We are interested in the essence of life (Indiana Jones’ fashion), thus in this mechano-chemical coupling. We use nanomechanical and optical techniques to study, provoke, perturb, conformational changes of biological macromolecules (proteins, DNA).

Professor Megan Valentine, UC Santa Barbara

The Valentine Research Group employs state-of-the-art nanoscale
manipulation and measurement techniques to probe diverse biological
materials on length scales from that of single proteins (a few
nanometers) to that of entire cells (~ 100 microns or more). This
highly interdisciplinary work lies at the intersection of engineering,
physics, biology and chemistry.

Our primary interest lies in understanding the mechanical
properties of the cytoskeleton, a dynamic protein polymer network that
forms the foundation of cellular architecture, giving cells strength
and enabling them to crawl, change shape and divide. This complex
network is comprised of several classes of protein filaments,
including actin and microtubules, and is constantly being remodeled
through the work of accessory binding proteins that promote changes in
filament length and organization. We are particularly interested in
the role of motor proteins, enzymes that use the energy released in
chemical reactions to exert forces and move in cells.



Professor Elliot Botvinick, UCI

Professor Botvinick’s research focuses on the relationship between mechanical stresses on cells and molecular signaling, or cellular mechanotransduction. His lab is currently investigating the role of the glycocalix in the transduction of fluid shear stress at the wall of blood vessels, and is constructing an instrument to study the scale of mechanical induction of vascular inflammation.

Professor Michael Shelly, NYU

Research Interests:
Applied mathematics and modeling, fluid dynamics, computational physics and methods, numerical analysis, visual and computational neuroscience, biophysics, biophysical fluid dynamics.